Register for Safety and Justice Advocacy Day on Wednesday, April 16, 2025.

Join PSJ for one of the most impactful days of the movement this year!

Tools to Promote Safer Communities

Knowledge is our most powerful tool to create change. This resource center organizes a collection of advocacy toolkits, webinars, columns, statements, and media coverage on the issues that we care about most. 

Featured Resource

When We Tell Our Stories

How survivors of color are most harmed and least helped by the public safety system.

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March 8, 2011

Moving Beyond Sides

The Power and Potential of a New Public Safety Policy Paradigm
January 1, 2011

The Next Right Thing

Are communities and businesses ready to take steps to do the next right thing and remove employment barriers that keep people from succeeding?
February 28, 2009

Misguided Measures: The Outcomes and Impacts of Measure 11 on Oregon’s Youth

There is so much about Oregon’s approach to juvenile justice that is smart and effective, but there is more that can be done for Oregon’s youth.
February 28, 2006

Access Denied in Oregon

A Report on the Barriers Faced by People with a Past Felony Conviction